Ruby on Rails Notes: Standard Project Setup
Writing down steps before writing a script…
- rvm gemset create appname
- rvm gemset use appname
- gem install rails –no-rdoc –no-ri
- rails new appname -T
- cd appname
- echo rvm use [rubyinstall]@[gemsetappname] > .rvmrc
- edit Gemfile
- add rspec to development and test
- add haml, sass to all
- add heroku to development
- bundle install
- rails generate rspec:install
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m “Initial Commit”
- Go on git website. Log in and create new git project
- git remote add origin
- git push origin master
- heroku create appname
- git push heroku master
Before making edits:
- git checkout -b branchname
When done making edits:
- git add .
- git commit -m “did xyz on branch because abc”
- git checkout master
- git merge branchname
- rspec spec
- git push heroku