2022.02.24 Journal
todo::* Day one of journaling about Courage/Affirmation/Feasible
* Social health – Hang out with friends in person.
* Meditation – Day 717
* Journaling – Day 59
* Yoga – Day 59
* Cold shower – Day 31
reflections:: 11:57pm Well, I’m happy that I’ve continued with my routine. But my written reflections on Pride/Scorn/Demanding were kind of weak. Ironic, as that’s kind of demanding. Today’s day one of journaling about Courage/Affirmation/Feasible. And it’s something that will have its own challenges to think about especially when sharing things on a public medium. I’d like to dive into this topic, and am also extremely sleepy. Things are extremely challenging at work – exactly in a way that I’m grateful to be challenged. It feels great to be working alongside the board and other folks at my company to work on getting the company on track. Meanwhile, it’s such a privilege to be able to work on education while the war is kicking off in the Ukraine.