2022.05.02 Journal

9:16am I moved into my new place yesterday morning as planned. Then I worked on art and passed out from around 6:30-11pm last night. I guess I was exhausted from earlier in the weekend. Was up for a few hours and then fell back asleep. Woke up around 8am this morning. Did work related things and now getting started with the rest of my day. One of my initial acclimation items at the new home is committing to a regular meditation time so my sleep and other schedules adjust around it. I’m already noticing that the weather is much nicer in Berkeley than in San Francisco. I spent much of yesterday outside in our backyard rather than inside.

Today’s todo:

  • Morning routine
    • Cold shower
    • Journal
    • Meditate
  • Health
    • Physical therapy
    • Outdoor walk – worked out with weights instead
    • Make food
  • Social
    • Work on art project
  • Housing
    • Clean out fridge
    • Discuss cleaning out bathroom

M: Reinforce routine of meditating. Clear head for the rest of my day.
G: Follow the steps from TMI in warming up for meditation and then close out my meditation.
E: I resolve to smile at my expectations.
D: I resolve to be diligent for the entire practice.
D: I predict I’ll be distracted by feeling rushed for the morning, wishing I were at the same level of discipline I used to be at, and thinking about work.
P: Sitting on my shins on the carpeted floor.
9:44am: I found myself noticing when my attention wandered and redirecting it back towards my breath and posture. When my attention wandered away from my breath it was around my posture that led back to exercising and my physical therapy.
Time to make coffee and hop on more work calls.

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