2022.04.27 Journal
8:10am – So far I’ve been awake posting about work issues on Slack. I’ve also examined my Invisalign and assessed that this round will make my teeth look the way I want them.
- Morning routine
Cold showerJournalMeditate
- Health/ Fitness
1 hour walk to lunch restaurant- Fast otherwise
Take antibioticsSchedule dentist appt- PT patient inquiry survey
- Social
Lunch w/ Will- Plan an overnight hike for this weekend
- Work
Meet w/ each manager about staffing plans
- Tomorrow Planning
- Make my list before I go to bed
- Housing
Contact various houses I was interviewing at to let them know decision
Meditation Prep:
M: I want to get a streak going again and experience the clarity that comes from being on a regular routine. When I’m meditating regularly, it feels like time is working on my time and I prefer that feeling to how it feels when I don’t meditate. It’s nice that I will also move towards a deeper awakening. At the same time, that there are positive results even before awakening just makes for more motivation around meditation.
G: My goal for this one in to get started as early as possible. I would like to have as much time available to meditate as possible given that I want to allow 5 min at the end for journaling.
E: I expect to take a few minutes showering and to get distracted by work and relationship thoughts while meditating. This can be a self-fulfilling prophesy though. I am giving myself positive feedback for noticing the self-fulfilling prophesy and accepting it.
D: I resolve to work towards being diligent about my practice. Both the cold shower and my taking time to journal are aligned with this.
D: I anticipate that I’ll be distracted by work thoughts and being uncomfortable sitting upright cross-legged on the floor. So I’ll try a different posture.
P: I’ll sit on my shins instead of cross-legged.
8:28am cold shower.
8:55am I was able to sit for ~10 min when all was said and done. That was enough time for me to notice I was getting distracted a few times and count 10 breaths. Looking forward to iterating again tomorrow. What actually distracted me was the cat meowing, cleaners coming, and thinking about living in SF vs Berkeley. There were some work thoughts also. To change up what distracts me tomorrow, I can resolve a number of the things I thought about, so I can more easily focus on my breath when I designate time to sit.