Website for Alabaster & Chess is going well

Going with Magento looks like a good option for this website. There are some details related to my implementation of the code the first go around that need to be corrected, but other than that, things are good. I’ll be migrating to “bundled products” shortly. This experience of doing serious work on the website from … Read more

Alabaster & Chess Store and Inventory System – Magento all the way

Going with Magento. After spending an afternoon with it, I’ve already got it most of the way to where I need it. Sent links over to Eli and waiting for his feedback.

Alabaster & Chess website – Magento vs Satchmo

Right now I’m torn between going with satchmo on python and magento on php. Magento has the draw that there are a lot of people using it, while satchmo has the draw that it’s in python and there’s built in support for custom products. I’ve been working on Magento on and off for a few … Read more

Getting up to speed on Magento

I’m compiling a list of tutorials and steps for getting outsourced developers up to speed. So as a requirement I need to know what I could expect an Indian developer to know if I told him/her: Install Magento on your machine by following the instructions on (probably links to other resources, with my own … Read more

Magento Environment Basics

Quick notes to myself on setting up an environment for Magento work for future reference. If you’re on windows, you might as well run ubuntu in a vmware player instance. It’s easy to set up and if you plan to run Magento on a linux server, you might as well start using some linux flavor … Read more