2021.12.29 Day Notes

Reflection:: I woke up pretty late in the morning today after adapting my sleep schedule yesterday. Drank 3 mugs of beer at a celebratory work lunch and passed out at around 4pm or something. Woke up at 11pm, was awake until around 4am, and then just woke up again around 8am. So far I’ve Neti’d … Read more

2021.12.28 Day Notes

Reflection:: I woke up just before 7am today without an alarm and then did the recommended yoga practice with the exception of not yet doing the jala neti practice. For tomorrow I want to have a tea kettle I could use for this. Want it to be approximately a half liter so I could really … Read more

2021.12.27 Day Notes

Reflection:: Figured I’d start posting my journal notes in a more public venue so that it’s easier for me to access them and so that anyone who’s curious about what I’m up to or was up to, they’d have an easy time figuring it out. For the past few years I’ve been keeping notes in … Read more

Collection of Quotes from Lara’s “Welcome 2015” Email

Wisdom for 2015 Get outside yourself and take action. Focus on the solution. Be at peace. -       Sioux Saying If one is courageous, keeps his head high, believes, hopes, and perseveres, things will eventually come out alright. -       William Saroyan Perfection is ideal, but it’s not necessary. -       My friend Joyce, consoling me on holding myself to crazy … Read more

30/60/90 Day goals in personal life

Two of the self management tools that keep my day-to-day activities focused on longer-term objectives at work are 1) having 30/60/90 day goals and 2) having a daily to-do list. The 30/60/90 day goals keep me focused on tactical plans that support longer term strategic objectives (more subtle or longer term goals with multiple dependencies that can take a … Read more

Having space and time to build stuff again

Now that I’ve had the space and time to build my speakers, I realize I’ve managed to neglect one of my favorite things to do when younger: play with tools and build stuff.

Phish in Tahoe

A friend took me to see Phish in Tahoe. It was different from other shows I’ve been to in the capacity that people were there to see just this one band play, and some of those people had been to over a hundred shows. The impression I got from the show was that the band … Read more

Nostalgia on Aging

As I see Facebook newsfeed-featured photos of once upon a time classmates and teenaged friends growing older, I get nostalgic for days when it seemed everyone my age was full of curiosity and health. Is it purely a game of genetic chance? No, there is sufficient evidence to give me hope that with the right … Read more

Running as a Form of Commuting

I used to run to school every day when I was in high school. I grew up in a neighborhood called Norwood. Norwood was literally two elevated train tracks over from the school I went to, Horace Mann, which was in Riverdale. Approximately two miles away. My first year at Horace Mann, when I was … Read more

Why it’s hard to learn from books – But you can do it!

I’ve been coaching my younger sister through learning to computer program. As part of the process I’ve been sending her pep/ motivational emails that might be useful to anyone who’s going through the list of books I recommended in this post here. Here’s one of them encouraging her to push through the difficulty of learning … Read more

Consulting Company Progress – Year in Review

It’s been over a year since I formally incorporated my consulting company and I have had a lot of lessons and learning experiences. First, I’ve learned that owning a consulting company is a much different experience from working at one and helping it grow. When you’re an owner you notice and focus on different things … Read more

Decluttering with Craigslist

Visiting my mom’s house, I saw quite a bit of space was taken up by books that no one in our household was planning to be read again. So I scheduled a time for my mother, sisters and I to get together and go through them all. We put all the books we were definitely … Read more

What I’ve noticed from going to Ruby meetups in SF for the past few weeks

I’ve been going to meetups in San Francisco the last few weeks with the goal of meeting people and seeing who’s out there. I’ve met a few cool people at these meetups. Something that strikes me as strange though, is how few people I meet at these meetups actually contribute to the ruby or rails … Read more

Biguine’s Thin Veneer – First hand impression of “high end” goods and services in India

Twyla and I visited the “Biguine” salon on Thursday. It was my second time there. After the novelty attached to receiving my first pedicure rubbed off, I was free to get the service in a more objective manner. The staff meant well, but little things were off.

Reflections on being a trailing spouse the past seventeen days

Daya and I arrived Thursday, July 29th. It is now Saturday, August 14th. We have been in Bombay for seventeen days. Half a month. Two and a half weeks. This time has been great in a number of ways. I have enjoyed having more time to myself and expanding my mind to include new perspectives. … Read more